Lisiane Biset

Print Model & Social Influencer Lead

Lisiane Biset was born in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Her first contact with the stage was as a dancer, where she fell in love with performing, which led her to acting. In 2008 she moved to New Zealand to explore the world and to start her international career. In addition to New Zealand, she has lived and studied cinema in several countries, including Australia, Czech Republic, France and Canada, exposing her to a wide variety of cultures and allowing her to share her experiences and to connect with people through social media.

Lisiane shares her passion for cinema, gastronomy and travel on her page where she dedicates it to inspiring, helping and motivating people to achieve their dreams. She has also performed in a variety of productions, including the acclaimed When We Rise written by Dustin Lance Black and directed by Lance and Gus Van Sant. In 2018 she entered the world of film production, shooting her first film that very same year. Lisiane loves spending time with her family and advocates for mental health.

She currently divides her time between North America and Europe.